# Tips & Tricks
# Sizing and Moving
This feature applies to both the company and device dashboards. To adjust the size and position of your graphs and widgets:
- Select Edit View mode.
- Drag the desired field to adjust its size and position.
To exit Edit View mode, click the Floppy Disc icon to save your changes, or click the Undo button next to it to discard any changes.
# Editing or Adding a Device Description
To edit or add a new description to a device:
- Click the Edit icon on the router you wish to modify.
- Enter your desired description.
- Save the changes by clicking on the Floppy disc icon that replaced the Edit icon.
# Devices Tagging
- You can filter and overview the devices using tags. Using tags, you can create overlapping bunches of devices.
Tagging can make it easier to find the devices by giving them specific properties with tags and then filtering or searching for them. After logging in to the system (opens new window), you must ensure a Tag - Textual field in the Filter Panel of the Devices.
If you don't have it, you can add this field by check Adding/Removing fields.
- After adding the Tag - Textual field and making it visible, Select your desired devices to create a Tag for your device and click the Batch Edit Filtered Devices icon.
- In the Batch Edit Filtered Devices form, specify the name tag you want to use for the selected devices in the Tag - Textual Desired Value field and click submit. Above the submit button, there's a note showing how many devices are affected by this action.
- Your desired devices should now be Tagged.
- You can filter devices by simply typing in your specified tag; only the devices with this tag will appear.
# Data Export
You can export CSV data files from your devices in Excel format:
- Export All Devices: Without selecting any devices, you will download a CSV file containing data from all devices in bulk.
- Export Selected Devices: You can select your preferred devices and export only their data. Additionally, you can choose your preferred devices on the graph and then download their data in bulk.
- For more information, visit Exporting data to CSV.
# Data Import
You can import configuration and data for your devices from CSV data files by following these steps:
- Click the CSV Import button.
- Select your specified data file.
- For details about the input format, scroll down to the Help for input format section.
- Click the Submit button to complete the import process.
- For more information, visit Device Configuration.