# 3.0.1: September 21, 2023
This release focuses mainly on fixing bugs that were found in version 3.0.0.
# Improvements:
Added an option to change the order of View tabs (Drag & Drop).
On-premises deployments may now be configured to create all companies as type Trial instead of type Free.
Added a button for deleting information about alerts` triggering history.
# Bug Fixes:
Fixed Dashboard lacking some fields in the list of options for creating Charts and Company Stats.
Fixed Device page offering for Chart creation fields that do not support this functionality.
Fixed Device page showing incorrect value for Connection Status field.
Fixed Alert Creation/Update page not allowing users to change Period and Cooldown.
Fixed Alert Creation/Update page offering multiple invalid options when a Single Device target was selected.
Fixed alerts targeting Invalid Login Attempts Count source not getting triggered when they should.
Removed the date of EULA`s confirmation from the EULA_CONFIRMED auditing message.
Fixed Fields page not being refreshed after field deletions.
Fixed Alert Endpoints page loading very slowly when accessed for the first time after each login.
Fixed user invitation to the company failing when the requester selects no permissions.
Fixed message for successful claiming device saying "undefined" in place of a company name.
Fixed the User Permissions page showing a miss-aligned permissions table when viewed on small screens.